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J-Pouch Surgery in Kansas City

J-pouch surgery, also called IPAA (ileal pouch-anal anastomosis) is necessary when medications fail to control the symptoms of those suffering from ulcerative colitis. Although it is most often employed to treat chronic ulcerative colitis, it may also be utilized if patients have familial adenomatous polyposis (a genetic disorder that results in hundreds to thousands of colon polyps). Ultimately, this surgery enables the patient to eliminate waste normally after removal of the entire large intestine.

At Colorectal Surgical Associates we offer the most up-to-date care for patients and will take the necessary steps to relieve symptoms of ulcerative colitis. If you are seeking ulcerative colitis treatment, please call (816) 941-0800 to discuss J-pouch surgery with our colorectal surgeons. Colorectal Surgical Associates has four convenient locations for patients located in Kansas City, including Gladstone, Overland Park, Independence, and Lee’s Summit.

J-Pouch Surgical Process

The surgery is done in 2 or 3 stages. If doing a 2-stage procedure, stages 1 and 2 are combined with a temporary diverting loop ileostomy.

  • Stage 1: Robotic total abdominal colectomy with end ileostomy – This removes the entire colon. The rectum remains in place and the ileum of the small intestine is brought out as a temporary ileostomy. The minimal amount of time between procedures is 3 months.
  • Stage 2: Robotic proctocolectomy with creation of the J-pouch – The rectum is removed, and the J- pouch is created from the ileum of the small intestine and attached to the anus.  A temporary loop ileostomy will be created to allow the J-pouch time to heal.
  • Stage 3: Ileostomy reversal – The ileostomy is reversed so that waste can eliminate through the normal anus. At Colorectal Surgical Associates, we use the da Vinci® minimally invasive robotic surgical system to substantially reduce the size of the incision, risk of infection, length of hospital stay, and recovery time. The da Vinci method also offers improved healing and reduced scarring. Dexterity and control are maximized using robotics for a minimally invasive approach to the surgical procedure.

Risk of J-Pouch Surgery

J-pouch surgery carries some risks, including ileostomy blockage, dehydration, diarrhea, stricture (narrowing of the area between the pouch and anus), pouch failure, and inflammation of the internal pouch (pouchitis). Antibiotics are usually used to treat pouchitis. After surgery, the patient will be able to eliminate on the toilet. Bathroom visits may be frequent, but not as much as before surgery. Some discover they can eat more foods than before surgery.

Find an Office

Gladstone Office

6060 North Oak Trafficway
Suite 101
Gladstone, MO 64118
Phone: (816) 941-0800

Overland Park Office

4370 W 109th St.
Overland Park, KS 66211
Phone: (816) 941-0800

Independence Office

19550 E 39th St
Suite 110
Independence, MO 64057
Phone: (816) 941-0800

Lee’s Summit

1980 SE Blue Parkway
Suite 2330
Lee’s Summit, MO 64063
Phone: (816) 941-0800